The General Fund is the primary fund for ongoing tithes and offerings to Generations Church. We ask all of our regular attenders to give in this way. This fund goes to support the ongoing expenses of our church, including facilities, ministry expenses, staffing, and missions. If you’re new to giving and not sure where to start, this is where you start!
As Generations continues to put down roots here in Eugene, our vision is to move from being a “church plant” to becoming an “established church”, which means becoming financially self-sustaining. Generous and consistent gifts are what we need to establish Generations Church. For the first couple years of our church plant, our sending church (Cornerstone Church of Ames) has offered to manage our accounting. So, this means all of your financial gifts will go directly to Generations Church of Eugene and are 100% tax deductible, but for tax purposes you will get a tax statement from Cornerstone Church of Ames.
The Impact Offering is a seasonal generosity initiative designed to bless people and ministries outside of Generations Church. All gifts given to this offering go directly to three things: city ministry (helping meet practical needs of our community), campus ministry (reaching and discipling college students), and church planting (both nationally and internationally).
Our Benevolence Fund is an ongoing account that is set aside for us to directly meet the needs of people who are part of Generations Church, as we have the opportunity. This includes helping individuals and families at Generations with things like food, clothing, and other basic needs.
Because we’re a new church in the early stages of our ministry, many of our staff members raise additional financial support from family and friends to help cover the ministry expenses of Generations Church. If you want to help one of our staff members to meet their fundraising goals, click the button below & find their name on the drop down menu.
3 ways to give
You can give online, by clicking the links above.
You can give by cash or check, by dropping your gift in a giving box at one of the gym exits on Sunday mornings. You can also mail your gift to the Generations Offices: 1590 Willamette St. Suite 1 Eugene, OR 97401.
You can give through a donor advised fund. Generations Church is currently approved to receive charitable funds through several charitable giving sites, but if you have trouble finding us on your specific one, please reach out to Kendra and we can initiate the process to get approved for additional charitable funds.
If you have any questions, please contact Kendra Gustafson directly at